We have just launched our first children’s pottery workshops after having run workshops and courses for adults for over 18 months, which have been going great, thanks to the help of our pottery teachers. Seeing the joy and enjoyment from our adult students has truly been the biggest kick for me, so we thought it was about time to extend this experience to younger students. Honestly, we have had many enquiries for children’s pottery classes and I don’t know why we waited so long . . . but here we are. Check them out here.
It is no secret that pottery as a craft is expensive, which is such a paradox when we consider that pottery is one of the most ancient human inventions and clay is so abundant. The expense largely comes down to the skill set of pottery teachers, the energy used when firing the kiln (it’s a lot and expensive!) and all the materials, equipment and tools involved. Nevertheless, I feel passionate about giving children the opportunity to learn with clay, which for many is not an experience they come across during their school years.
In the words of the late, great Sir Ken Robinson, irresistible learning happens when it takes place within the context of enjoyment and engagement. Making with clay can certainly be an irresistible learning experience for children, so I’m on a mission to make it accessible, not only in the studio but also in schools and community settings. The tactile element of working with clay, along with the unlimited possibilities that it brings makes it the perfect art form to not only express creativity but also develop fine motor skills and boost self esteem.
If your school, group or setting would like to experience a pottery workshop or course, get in touch! hello@thefindstore.co.uk
Maritza : )